Josh Kalderimis
suppress the generation of the authenticity_token div
was updated by Josh Kalderimis
Tuesday Mar 01
ticket -
Action cache filter code incorrectly renders nil response body if response is non-cacheable
was updated by Josh Kalderimis
Monday Feb 28
ticket - ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions calls to_sym redundantly was updated by Josh Kalderimis 03:57 PM ticket
- ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions calls to_sym redundantly was updated by Josh Kalderimis 03:41 PM ticket
edge rails sends include to uninitialized constant Rack::Session::Abstract::SessionHashwas updated by Josh KalderimisThursday Feb 17
ticket - add form helpers for date and time HTML5 input types was updated by Josh Kalderimis 03:26 PM ticket
- add form helpers for date and time HTML5 input types was updated by Josh Kalderimis 01:51 PM ticket
- #count on decimal column returns BigDecimal was updated by Josh Kalderimis 01:49 PM ticket
- i18n fallback doesn't work for localized views was updated by Josh Kalderimis 12:57 PM ticket
- #count on decimal column returns BigDecimal was updated by Josh Kalderimis 12:07 PM ticket