Josh Kalderimis
sending :alt => nil to an image tag should omit the images alt tag
was updated by Josh Kalderimis
Monday May 10
ticket -
validates_uniqueness , accepting white space
was updated by Josh Kalderimis
Sunday May 09
ticket - Incorrect suggestion in exception for missing session key was updated by Josh Kalderimis 03:15 PM ticket
- .select and :select in AR does not work correctly with an array was updated by Josh Kalderimis 01:21 PM ticket
- .select and :select in AR does not wo... was created by Josh Kalderimis 01:12 PM ticket
:joins and :include behave differently with :conditions
was updated by Josh Kalderimis
Thursday Apr 29
ticket -
:joins and :include behave differently with :conditions
was updated by Josh Kalderimis
Monday Apr 26
ticket -
:joins and :include behave differently with :conditions
was updated by Josh Kalderimis
Sunday Apr 25
ticket - :joins and :include behave differentl... was created by Josh Kalderimis 03:28 PM ticket