sending :alt => nil to an image tag should omit the images alt tag
was updated by Mislav
Sunday May 09
ticket -
rails.js on body.observe('submit',...) but submit doesn't bubble in IE
was updated by Mislav
Friday Apr 30
ticket -
rails.js on body.observe('submit',...) but submit doesn't bubble in IE
was updated by Mislav
Friday Apr 23
ticket - rails.js on body.observe('submit',...) but submit doesn't bubble in IE was updated by Mislav 06:03 PM ticket
Running autolink on text containing a mailto: link breaks
was updated by Mislav
Saturday Apr 17
ticket - Should not html_escape auto_link block form was updated by Mislav 05:41 AM ticket
- Running autolink on text containing a mailto: link breaks was updated by Mislav 05:37 AM ticket
- auto_link output should be marked .html_safe! was updated by Mislav 03:29 AM ticket
reset_counter_cachewas updated by Mislav 02:15 AM ticket -
ActiveRecord observers can't be used for "before" callbacks
was updated by Mislav
Friday Apr 16