August Lilleaas
Hard setting path_parameters in funct...
was created by August Lilleaas
Tuesday Jun 01
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Hashes with Time instances in it breaks when to_json is called on it.
was updated by August Lilleaas
Sunday May 30
ticket - Hashes with Time instances in it brea... was created by August Lilleaas 01:59 AM ticket
HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_json will raise a SystemStackError: stack level too deep
was updated by August Lilleaas
Saturday May 29
ticket - HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_json wil... was created by August Lilleaas 06:58 PM ticket
Installation Of MiniUnit Causes Test To Failwas updated by August LilleaasMonday Mar 16
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Set the names of the methods Active Record generates for attributes.
was updated by August Lilleaas
Friday Mar 13
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Fixture ID and String#hash in 1.9.1
was updated by August Lilleaas
Wednesday Mar 04
ticket - Fixture ID and String#hash in 1.9.1 was created by August Lilleaas 01:44 PM ticket
- Testing "post :destroy" without the d... was created by August Lilleaas 12:24 PM ticket