Guillermo Álvarez
Now explicit serializated objects retuns new objects when nil was updated by Guillermo Álvarez
Thursday Feb 03
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Share session between subdomains was updated by Guillermo Álvarez
Thursday Jun 10
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Share session between subdomains was updated by Guillermo Álvarez 11:25 AM ticket
Share session between subdomains was updated by Guillermo Álvarez 11:03 AM ticket
Share session between subdomains was created by Guillermo Álvarez 10:58 AM ticket
count breaks has_many through association collection with named scope was updated by Guillermo Álvarez
Monday Apr 06
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count breaks has_many through association collection with named scope was updated by Guillermo Álvarez
Thursday Apr 02
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count breaks has_many through association collection with named scope was updated by Guillermo Álvarez 04:30 PM ticket
Class methods which call named_scopes lose previous scope (both associations and other scopes) was updated by Guillermo Álvarez
Wednesday Feb 25
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Dirty Objects: attribute_reset was updated by Guillermo Álvarez
Monday Feb 16