Dispatcher interprets path separators in controller names as nested modules/namespaces whether you like it or not. was updated by Zyclops
Wednesday May 20
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Rails 2.3 JSON "put" request routing is broken was updated by Zyclops
Friday May 15
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Rails 2.3 JSON "put" request routing is broken was updated by Zyclops 01:27 AM ticket
request_uri in tests include posted parameters was updated by Zyclops
Thursday May 07
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Connection pool creating a new connection for every http request was updated by Zyclops
Thursday Nov 06
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Connection pool creating a new connection for every http request was updated by Zyclops 10:40 PM ticket
primary_key option for belongs_to was updated by Zyclops
Thursday Oct 16
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named_scope with bangwas updated by ZyclopsFriday Aug 22
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named_scope with bang was updated by Zyclops
Wednesday Jun 18
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Eager loading optimisation misses if ... was created by Zyclops
Tuesday May 27