Brian Cardarella
Uniqueness validator refactored to use Arel instead of hardcoded SQL was updated by Brian Cardarella
Wednesday Apr 06
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Uniqueness validator refactored to use Arel instead of hardcoded SQL was updated by Brian Cardarella
Saturday Mar 19
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Uniqueness validator refactored to us... was created by Brian Cardarella 05:54 PM ticket
ARel master generates invalid has and belongs to many SQL with Rails stable was updated by Brian Cardarella
Tuesday Jan 25
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ARel master generates invalid has and belongs to many SQL with Rails stable was updated by Brian Cardarella 05:17 PM ticket
[PATCH] ActiveRecord::Relation#first convenience method was updated by Brian Cardarella 03:08 PM ticket
ARel master generates invalid has and belongs to many SQL with Rails stable was updated by Brian Cardarella 05:08 AM ticket
ActiveRecord::Relation#first convenience method was updated by Brian Cardarella 04:56 AM ticket
ActiveRecord::Relation#first convenie... was created by Brian Cardarella 04:55 AM ticket
ARel master generates invalid has and belongs to many SQL with Rails stable was updated by Brian Cardarella 04:49 AM ticket