ActiveRecord::Base#dup is now gone? was created by azimux
Wednesday Aug 20
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fix for a transaction problem with ch... was created by azimux
Tuesday Aug 19
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cannot write certain binary data to postgresql bytea columns in 2.1.0 was updated by azimux 12:34 PM ticket
cannot write certain binary data to postgresql bytea columns in 2.1.0 was updated by azimux 09:04 AM ticket
Add an API for plugins to register routes was updated by azimux
Saturday Aug 16
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postgresql 8.3 doesn't like single qu... was created by azimux
Thursday Aug 07
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test and patch for bug with function... was created by azimux
Wednesday Jul 23
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patch for action_view/paths PathSet#i... was created by azimux
Tuesday Jul 22
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fix for inability to do ./script/plug... was created by azimux
Sunday Jul 20
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cannot write certain binary data to p... was created by azimux
Sunday Jul 13