2.1.0/lib/active_support/core_ext/module/introspection.rb:60: [BUG] Segmentation faultwas updated by EadzMonday Aug 09
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[PATCH] [BENCHMARK] [RAILS3] image_tag shouldn't bomb on creating an alt attribute when split returns nil or ignore other parts of a filename if it has more than one period was updated by Eadz
Friday Mar 12
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[PATCH] [BENCHMARK] [RAILS3] image_tag shouldn't bomb on creating an alt attribute when split returns nil or ignore other parts of a filename if it has more than one period was updated by Eadz
Wednesday Feb 24
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[PATCH] [BENCHMARK] [RAILS3] image_tag shouldn't bomb on creating an alt attribute when split returns nil or ignore other parts of a filename if it has more than one period was updated by Eadz 10:41 AM ticket
[PATCH] ActiveRecord::Base class_name weirdness was updated by Eadz
Monday Feb 08
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Gem file requires pg gem for all tests was created by Eadz 01:00 AM ticket
Remove needless call to initializers was updated by Eadz 12:25 AM ticket
ActiveRecord::Base class_name weirdness was updated by Eadz 12:37 AM ticket
ActiveRecord::Base class_name weirdness was updated by Eadz
Friday Jun 27
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ActiveRecord::Base class_name weirdness was created by Eadz
Tuesday Jun 10