find_by_id isn't working was updated by Kane
Saturday Aug 14
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ActiveRecord has_and_belongs_to_many doesn't include self.table_name_prefix was updated by Kane 07:36 PM ticket
ActiveRecord ignoring set_table_name on save was updated by Kane
Friday Aug 13
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dependent => :destroy deletes children before "before_destroy" is executed was updated by Kane
Wednesday Aug 11
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dependent => :destroy deletes children before "before_destroy" is executed was updated by Kane 05:06 PM ticket
ActiveRecord ignoring set_table_name on save was updated by Kane 05:00 PM ticket
fixed counter_sql from finder_sql to work with subselects was updated by Kane
Monday Aug 02
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problem joining two models that establish_connection to the same db was updated by Kane
Sunday Aug 01
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Rails 3.0 RC cannot capture exception when database goes down! was updated by Kane 02:21 PM ticket
Model Namespaces and HABTM was updated by Kane
Sunday Jun 27