Rishav Rastogi
ActiveSupport gem should depend on builder (and i18n?) was updated by Rishav Rastogi
Tuesday Apr 13
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Giving same association in :include and :join can result in table being joined twice was updated by Rishav Rastogi 04:52 AM ticket
ActiveSupport::JSON parses dates was updated by Rishav Rastogi
Sunday Apr 11
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ActiveSupport gem should depend on builder (and i18n?) was updated by Rishav Rastogi 11:32 PM ticket
Strange pluralize and routing was updated by Rishav Rastogi 11:29 PM ticket
STI derived class needs self.record_timestamps = true was updated by Rishav Rastogi 12:10 AM ticket
STI derived class needs self.record_timestamps = true was updated by Rishav Rastogi 12:09 AM ticket
link_to does not respect options like :confirm and :popup if url is specified as part of :options itself was updated by Rishav Rastogi 12:01 AM ticket
Controller params should be accessible with both string and symbol? was updated by Rishav Rastogi
Saturday Apr 10
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"db/development.sqlite3 already exists" on new rails instance with "rake db:create" was updated by Rishav Rastogi 11:49 PM ticket