Santiago Pastorino
Polymorphic belongs_to with blank values causes unwanted behavior
was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Wednesday Feb 02
ticket -
whether capture helpers will be working on ajax update call?was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:47 PM ticket - table_name_id_seq isn't renamed along with the table's rename in postgres was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:47 PM ticket
- Harmlessly make ActiveResource more MongoMapper friendly was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:46 PM ticket
instances of a Join Model should have their before_destroy callbacks called when destroyed through @instance.others.clear or @instance.update_attributeswas updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:46 PM ticket - instances of a Join Model should have their before_destroy callbacks called when destroyed through @instance.others.clear or @instance.update_attributes was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:46 PM ticket
SQLiteAdapter::select_rows misses columns when column names are ambiguouswas updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:46 PM ticket - SQLiteAdapter::select_rows misses columns when column names are ambiguous was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:46 PM ticket
Harmlessly make ActiveResource more MongoMapper friendlywas updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:46 PM ticket - Backtracking association proxy chained methods was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:46 PM ticket