Santiago Pastorino
ActiveRecord fails to handle to_many relations sanely during updated by Santiago PastorinoWednesday Feb 02
ticket - has_and_belong_to_many destroy with foreign key constraints broken was updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:33 PM ticket
ActiveRecord.column_names should not be mutablewas updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:33 PM ticket -
has_and_belong_to_many destroy with foreign key constraints brokenwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:33 PM ticket - ActiveRecord fails to handle to_many relations sanely during was updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:33 PM ticket
error messages for render :inline is wrongwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:33 PM ticket -
please don't hide test framework generatorswas updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:33 PM ticket - please don't hide test framework generators was updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:32 PM ticket
Routes DSL (Exception => missing :action)was updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:32 PM ticket -
Vendor Supplied Database Adpaters are not loaded by Rails 3 on Windowswas updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:32 PM ticket