Santiago Pastorino
Hash.from_xml chokes on attributeswas updated by Santiago PastorinoWednesday Feb 09
ticket - Use Array.wrap instead of Array() was updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:35 AM ticket
- Hash.from_xml chokes on attributes was updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:34 AM ticket
- HashWithIndifferentAccess#merge should accept block just like Hash#merge was updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:34 AM ticket
- 2.3.9 destroy_all destroys loaded records that do not match the scope on associations was updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:34 AM ticket
Memcache session store + litespeed (and i think passenger)was updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:34 AM ticket - Memcache session store + litespeed (and i think passenger) was updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:34 AM ticket
problem with migrations/schema loading when using STIwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:34 AM ticket -
schema.rb generation sets :id => falsewas updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:33 AM ticket -
ActiveResource validation error not recognized as belonging to a certain fieldwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:33 AM ticket