Santiago Pastorino
ActiveResource does not serialize XML correctly
was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Thursday May 06
ticket - ActiveResource does not serialize XML correctly was updated by Santiago Pastorino 10:16 PM ticket
- ActiveResource does not serialize XML correctly was updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:54 PM ticket
number_to_currency(101.00) returns $110
was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Tuesday May 04
ticket -
to_xml with :include should skip_instruct on the included records
was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Friday Apr 30
ticket -
datetime_select and select_datetime inconsistent for various optionswas updated by Santiago PastorinoThursday Apr 29
ticket - respond_with accepting options to pass on to to_xml and to_json was updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:12 PM ticket
:as option not working as expected in new Rails 3 router DSLwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:59 PM ticket - json encoding systax error was updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:44 PM ticket
Validates_acceptance_of is not respecting database fieldwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:31 PM ticket