Santiago Pastorino
auto_link output should be marked .html_safe!
was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Monday Apr 19
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Rails 3 Beta 3 label form helper causes "stack level too deep" exceptionwas updated by Santiago PastorinoSunday Apr 18
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Rails 3 beta3: mail_to displays incorrectly i.e. mail_to not returning html_safe stringwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 09:14 PM ticket -
Rails3 Segmentation Fault remove_method.rb when you have a library modulewas updated by Santiago PastorinoSaturday Apr 17
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Rails 3 beta3: mail_to displays incorrectly i.e. mail_to not returning html_safe string
was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Friday Apr 16
ticket - Rails 3 beta3: mail_to displays incorrectly i.e. mail_to not returning html_safe string was updated by Santiago Pastorino 11:42 PM ticket
- Objects lose association methods in development mode was updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:22 PM ticket
[PATCH] ActionController::TestCase requires Hash#to_querywas updated by Santiago PastorinoThursday Apr 15
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activerecord double escapes error_messages_forwas updated by Santiago PastorinoWednesday Apr 14
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[PATCH] config.action_controller.perform_caching has no effectwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:16 PM ticket