Santiago Pastorino
Only join includes referenced in conditions for countwas updated by Santiago PastorinoWednesday Feb 02
ticket -
Add #hash and #eql? to ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars so you can use multibyte strings as hash keys without Ruby 1.9was updated by Santiago Pastorino 07:11 PM ticket - Only join includes referenced in conditions for count was updated by Santiago Pastorino 07:11 PM ticket
- Allow active record errors to_xml to return separate tags for attribute and message was updated by Santiago Pastorino 07:10 PM ticket
- Detect the existence of the test schema and autoload it if necessary was updated by Santiago Pastorino 07:10 PM ticket
- Complete the cleanup with BacktraceCleaner was updated by Santiago Pastorino 07:10 PM ticket
- Add #hash and #eql? to ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars so you can use multibyte strings as hash keys without Ruby 1.9 was updated by Santiago Pastorino 07:10 PM ticket
Detect the existence of the test schema and autoload it if necessarywas updated by Santiago Pastorino 07:10 PM ticket -
Range to_formatted_s should provide actual range objectwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 07:10 PM ticket -
Dirty checking blocks MySQL updates with trailing spaceswas updated by Santiago Pastorino 07:10 PM ticket