Calling mount and resource inside the router makes mount stop working was updated by josh
Tuesday Jun 22
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Missing shallow routes in new router DSL was updated by josh
Tuesday Jun 08
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prototype-ujs: change function scopewas updated by josh 09:18 PM ticket -
rails.js on body.observe('submit',...) but submit doesn't bubble in IE was updated by josh 09:03 PM ticket
Calling 'last' on a has_many assoication where the order is specified as a symbol raises an error was updated by josh
Sunday Apr 11
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Threre is no way to test routing with constraintswas updated by josh 07:09 PM ticket -
Move URL generation into Rack::Mountwas updated by josh 07:08 PM ticket -
Cleanup script_name routing APIwas updated by joshMonday Mar 15
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url_for failing with singular resourcewas updated by josh 02:52 PM ticket -
Routing :defaults option is not passed through to paramswas updated by josh 02:48 PM ticket