Robert Pankowecki
Rails3 RC - Application hangs randomly when server running in test environment
was updated by Robert Pankowecki
Wednesday Aug 04
ticket - Rails3 RC - Application hangs randomly when server running in test environment was updated by Robert Pankowecki 03:24 PM ticket
- Rails3 RC - Application hangs randomly when server running in test environment was updated by Robert Pankowecki 01:15 PM ticket
- Rails3 RC - Application hangs randoml... was created by Robert Pankowecki 01:03 PM ticket
- Rails3 RC - Associations (has_one, ha... was created by Robert Pankowecki 11:46 AM ticket
When a new Rails application is created by "rails new", autoload_paths instead of load_paths should be put in the generated application.rbwas updated by Robert PankoweckiTuesday Aug 03
ticket -
collection_singular_ids= method raises an exception when primary_key is string (Rails 3)
was updated by Robert Pankowecki
Tuesday Jul 27
ticket - collection_singular_ids= method raises an exception when primary_key is string (Rails 3) was updated by Robert Pankowecki 09:39 PM ticket
- collection_singular_ids= method raises an exception when primary_key is string (Rails 3) was updated by Robert Pankowecki 09:04 PM ticket
undefined method 'i18n_scope' raised ...
was created by Robert Pankowecki
Monday Jul 26