Robert Pankowecki
Rails3 RC2 - Autoloading does not work correctly when constaint is nested in class instead of modulewas updated by Robert PankoweckiFriday Aug 27
ticket - Postgres and Sqlite3 no longer able to map to database views was updated by Robert Pankowecki 07:27 PM ticket
- Rails3 RC2 - Autoloading does not wor... was created by Robert Pankowecki 04:14 PM ticket
Rails3 RC - Associations (has_one, has_many) does not work with models that are based on database views.
was updated by Robert Pankowecki
Monday Aug 23
ticket -
Rails3 RC - Associations (has_one, has_many) does not work with models that are based on database views.
was updated by Robert Pankowecki
Wednesday Aug 18
ticket -
[feature-request] db seed files for each environment.
was updated by Robert Pankowecki
Monday Aug 09
ticket -
adding options to erb scaffold generator to include or skip custom views / templates
was updated by Robert Pankowecki
Saturday Aug 07
ticket - [PATCH] integration test sessions fixture fix was updated by Robert Pankowecki 10:41 AM ticket
Rails3 RC - Schema.rb file does not c...
was created by Robert Pankowecki
Friday Aug 06
ticket -
Rails3 RC - Named yield should return...
was created by Robert Pankowecki
Thursday Aug 05