Subclasses of HashWithIndifferentAccess dup the wrong class
was updated by ara.t.howard
Tuesday Oct 12
ticket - rails makes it *impossible* to use any 3rd party json libs to generate pretty json was updated by ara.t.howard 03:25 AM ticket
- rails makes it *impossible* to use any 3rd party json libs to generate pretty json was updated by ara.t.howard 03:23 AM ticket
- rails makes it *impossible* to use any 3rd party json libs to generate pretty json was updated by ara.t.howard 01:29 AM ticket
rails makes it *impossible* to use an...
was created by ara.t.howard
Monday Oct 11
ticket -
ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options are not actually deprecatedwas updated by ara.t.howard 02:38 AM ticket -
ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options are not actually deprecatedwas updated by ara.t.howard 02:37 AM ticket -
was created by ara.t.howard
Friday Oct 01
ticket -
validates_uniqueness_of does not quote scoped column names and then barfswas updated by ara.t.howardWednesday Jun 23
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validates_uniqueness_of does not quote scoped column names and then barfswas updated by ara.t.howardTuesday Jun 22