2.3.2 update_attributes save many-to-many associations was updated by Hery
Tuesday Jul 13
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2.3.2 update_attributes save many-to-many associations was updated by Hery 01:38 PM ticket
ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger and us-ascii message on ruby 1.9.x was updated by Hery
Sunday Jul 04
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ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger and us-ascii message on ruby 1.9.x was updated by Hery 11:08 PM ticket
ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger and us-ascii message on ruby 1.9.x was updated by Hery 07:23 PM ticket
ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger and us-ascii message on ruby 1.9.x was updated by Hery
Tuesday Jun 29
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ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger and us-... was created by Hery 04:53 PM ticket
Reflection do not reset quoted_table ... was created by Hery
Monday May 10
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many-tomany creates foreign key attri... was created by Hery
Wednesday Apr 07
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Fixtures names can't start with 'test'was updated by HeryTuesday Mar 23