Cheah Chu Yeow
rails/init.rb doesn't get called for unpacked gemswas updated by Cheah Chu YeowTuesday May 13
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rails/init.rb doesn't get called for unpacked gemswas updated by Cheah Chu YeowMonday May 12
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Remove orphaned JSON code in ActiveSu...
was created by Cheah Chu Yeow
Sunday May 11
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Routing optimisations break plugins that use ActionController::Base.default_url_options
was updated by Cheah Chu Yeow
Friday May 09
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default_url_options is being ignored by named route optimisationwas updated by Cheah Chu YeowSunday May 04
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default_url_options is being ignored by named route optimisationwas updated by Cheah Chu Yeow 04:59 PM ticket -
default_url_options is being ignored by named route optimisation
was updated by Cheah Chu Yeow
Sunday Apr 27
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Added Hash#only for picking out specific attributes
was updated by Cheah Chu Yeow
Tuesday Apr 22
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default_url_options is being ignored by named route optimisation
was updated by Cheah Chu Yeow
Sunday Apr 20
ticket - AssetTagHelper should accept a slightly wider range of protocols was updated by Cheah Chu Yeow 02:33 AM ticket