sarah (at ultrasaurus)
please don't hide test framework generators was updated by sarah (at ultrasaurus)
Sunday Feb 06
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please don't hide test framework generatorswas updated by sarah (at ultrasaurus) 12:58 AM ticket -
please don't hide test framework gene... was created by sarah (at ultrasaurus)
Thursday Oct 21
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Hide test_unit generators when other frameworks are assigned as test_framework was updated by sarah (at ultrasaurus) 04:25 PM ticket
Postgres: Invalid default value getting from character varying columns. was updated by sarah (at ultrasaurus)
Sunday Dec 13
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should be able to truncate a multibyte string to a max # of bytes was updated by sarah (at ultrasaurus)
Monday Sep 28
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should be able to truncate a multibyte string to a max # of bytes was updated by sarah (at ultrasaurus)
Saturday Sep 12
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should be able to truncate a multibyt... was created by sarah (at ultrasaurus) 12:06 AM ticket
should be able to truncate a string was created by sarah (at ultrasaurus) 12:04 AM ticket
Support for :inverse option in associationswas updated by sarah (at ultrasaurus) 04:03 PM ticket