Scaffold generator not working well with namespaced resources was updated by kmpm
Thursday Aug 13
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Advanced / foxy fixture features doesn't work well with models in modules was updated by kmpm
Tuesday Jul 28
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Advanced / foxy fixture features does... was created by kmpm 03:37 PM ticket
Scaffold generator not working well with namespaced resources was updated by kmpm 07:33 AM ticket
Generated migration for namespaced model prefixes table name was updated by kmpm
Monday Jul 27
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Loading fixtures for a module's model was updated by kmpm 11:11 AM ticket
fixtures: consider fixture_class_names to find fixture_class file was updated by kmpm 11:10 AM ticket
Scaffold generator not working well with namespaced resources was updated by kmpm
Wednesday Jul 22
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Loading fixtures for a module's model was updated by kmpm 04:21 PM ticket