Encoding error in Ruby1.9 for templates was updated by wout
Friday Oct 01
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Encoding error in Ruby1.9 for templates was updated by wout
Wednesday Sep 29
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Encoding error in Ruby1.9 for templates was updated by wout 10:33 AM ticket
Increased loading times on Rails 3 compared to 2.3.8 was updated by wout
Tuesday Sep 28
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Increased loading times on Rails 3 compared to 2.3.8 was updated by wout
Monday Sep 27
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validations not called when model updating using nested attributes was updated by wout
Thursday Aug 19
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erase_redirect_results and erase_rend... was created by wout
Tuesday Aug 10
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Increased loading times on Rails 3 compared to 2.3.8 was updated by wout
Saturday Jul 17
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Delete method in link_to causes Inval... was created by wout
Friday Jul 16
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Increased loading times on Rails 3 compared to 2.3.8 was updated by wout
Monday Jul 12