Rails 3 associations eager load of associated classes significantly slows down development environment was updated by Cesario
Saturday Feb 12
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Regression: mass assignment interaction with a non-standard primary key (2.3.5 -> 2.3.10) was updated by Cesario
Sunday Jan 30
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Regression: mass assignment interaction with a non-standard primary key (2.3.5 -> 2.3.10) was updated by Cesario 10:38 AM ticket
Find ignore select when conditions & include are specfied was updated by Cesario 06:33 AM ticket
The single-table inheritance mechanism failed to locate the subclass was updated by Cesario
Friday Dec 17
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ActiveRecord::Base.touch won't dump optimistic locking column. was updated by Cesario
Saturday Nov 27
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ActiveRecord and to_xml function error was updated by Cesario
Friday Nov 26
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to_xml doesn't work in such case: Event.select('title as t').to_xml was updated by Cesario
Thursday Nov 25
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[BUG] [PATCH] Rails 3.0 should allow tests to run in 'cucumber' environment was updated by Cesario
Wednesday Nov 24
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rake doc:rails doesn't know how to build taks actionmailer...README was updated by Cesario 06:35 PM ticket