reload! in script/console re-defines classes.was updated by CancelProfileIsBrokenSaturday Jun 06
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Minor documentation fix for date_selectwas updated by CancelProfileIsBrokenFriday Jun 05
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Take profit of model columns' translationswas updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 12:16 PM ticket -
Added to_url method in stringwas updated by CancelProfileIsBrokenSunday May 31
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Scaffold generator not working well with namespaced resources was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken
Saturday May 30
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Layout not applied with "test" in controller namewas updated by CancelProfileIsBrokenWednesday May 27
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Model updates not working correctly when used in a migration and a table with inheritance was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken
Tuesday May 26
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Model updates not working correctly when used in a migration and a table with inheritance was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 02:39 PM ticket
Model updates not working correctly when used in a migration and a table with inheritance was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 01:58 PM ticket
find_each doesn't respect default_scopewas updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 01:47 PM ticket