HTTP Digest authentication raise an exception if the client fails to include a nonce was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken
Friday Sep 25
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[Patch] Added Global expires_in for cache_store was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 01:01 PM ticket
Let Integer#multiple_of? accept zero as argument was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 01:00 PM ticket
Setting the id of a belongs_to object does not update the reference to the object was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 01:00 PM ticket
[PATCH] visibility of fixture accssor methods was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 12:59 PM ticket
nullifying doesn't work with SQLite3 was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 12:59 PM ticket
named_scope ignores :include option was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 12:58 PM ticket
:counter_cache not updated if polymorphic => true when assigning association was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 12:58 PM ticket
Association Table Names Incorrectly Generated when set_table_name used was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 12:56 PM ticket
Regression on 2.3 branch: Allow delegating methods to nil was updated by CancelProfileIsBroken 12:55 PM ticket