Carsten Gehling
I18n translated strings are html-escaped in viewswas updated by Carsten GehlingThursday Jul 01
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I18n translated strings are html-escaped in views was updated by Carsten Gehling
Wednesday Jun 30
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I18n translated strings are html-escaped in views was updated by Carsten Gehling 09:15 AM ticket
I18n translated strings are html-escaped in views was updated by Carsten Gehling 09:13 AM ticket
I18n translated strings are html-esca... was created by Carsten Gehling 09:12 AM ticket
Please add :position => :replace to link_to_remote (and family) was updated by Carsten Gehling
Tuesday Jun 15
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Please add :position => :replace to link_to_remote (and family) was updated by Carsten Gehling 07:09 AM ticket
Please add :position => :replace to link_to_remote (and family) was updated by Carsten Gehling 07:01 AM ticket
Please add :position => :replace to link_to_remote (and family) was updated by Carsten Gehling 06:52 AM ticket
Routes are case sensitivewas updated by Carsten GehlingSaturday Feb 27