Christos Zisopoulos
Rails 3 Beta 4 ActiveRecord 5X slower than Rails 2.3.5 was updated by Christos Zisopoulos
Monday Aug 30
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Rails 3 Beta 4 ActiveRecord 5X slower than Rails 2.3.5 was updated by Christos Zisopoulos
Saturday Jul 24
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Rails 3 Beta 4 ActiveRecord 5X slower than Rails 2.3.5 was updated by Christos Zisopoulos 12:33 AM ticket
Rails 3 Beta 4 ActiveRecord 5X slower than Rails 2.3.5 was updated by Christos Zisopoulos 12:22 AM ticket
Rails 3 Beta 4 ActiveRecord 5X slower than Rails 2.3.5 was updated by Christos Zisopoulos
Friday Jul 23
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reload! doesn't reload was updated by Christos Zisopoulos
Wednesday Feb 24
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Alternative to validates_uniqueness_of using db constraints was updated by Christos Zisopoulos
Thursday Feb 11
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[PATCH] Fix zero length stylesheet cache files bug in case of missing CSS fileswas updated by Christos ZisopoulosMonday Jul 20
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[PATCH] Fix (and strengthen) a couple of cache related stylesheet_link_tag test cases was updated by Christos Zisopoulos
Monday Jun 15
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[PATCH] Fix zero length stylesheet cache files bug in case of missing CSS files was updated by Christos Zisopoulos 11:48 PM ticket