Eloy Duran
[PATCH] accepts_nested_attributes_for should not redefine the attribute writer was updated by Eloy Duran
Tuesday Feb 10
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[PATCH] accepts_nested_attributes_for should not redefine the attribute writer was updated by Eloy Duran 12:52 PM ticket
Export OrderedHash to XML and JSON was updated by Eloy Duran 10:07 AM ticket
Export OrderedHash to XML and JSON was updated by Eloy Duran 10:05 AM ticket
Export OrderedHash to XML and JSON was updated by Eloy Duran 09:51 AM ticket
Export OrderedHash to XML and JSON was updated by Eloy Duran 09:43 AM ticket
Export OrderedHash to XML and JSON was updated by Eloy Duran 09:40 AM ticket
accepts_nested_attributes_for :reject_if option not honored for has_one associations was updated by Eloy Duran
Monday Feb 09
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Neset forms and attr_accessible was updated by Eloy Duran
Sunday Feb 08
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nested attributes should not have meaningful hash keys was updated by Eloy Duran 01:30 PM ticket