Mick Staugaard
Interpolated association conditions and Eager loading was updated by Mick Staugaard
Thursday Jan 20
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Interpolated association conditions and Eager loading was updated by Mick Staugaard 01:36 AM ticket
[Patch] Rails 2.3 schema_format :sql should behave like schema_format :ruby was updated by Mick Staugaard
Friday Oct 29
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[Patch] Rails 2.3 schema_format :sql should behave like schema_format :ruby was updated by Mick Staugaard 07:55 PM ticket
Malformed version number string 3.0.prewas updated by Mick StaugaardWednesday Jul 08
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Malformed version number string 3.0.pre was created by Mick Staugaard
Tuesday Jul 07