Rohit Arondekar
[rails3 beta] "rails runner" can't be used in shebang lines was updated by Rohit Arondekar
Thursday Jan 27
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[rails3 beta] "rails runner" can't be used in shebang lines was updated by Rohit Arondekar 04:51 AM ticket
sexier migration that doesn't need the block parameter for create_table was updated by Rohit Arondekar 03:44 AM ticket
bundle installing fork of rails/rails on mac os x forces me to install postgressqlwas updated by Rohit ArondekarWednesday Jan 26
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add improved version of Enumerable#include? was updated by Rohit Arondekar 10:08 AM ticket
ActiveSupport::JSON.encode bogus CircularReferenceError was updated by Rohit Arondekar 10:03 AM ticket
ARel master generates invalid has and belongs to many SQL with Rails stablewas updated by Rohit Arondekar 10:00 AM ticket -
Foreign key is not set on nested record was updated by Rohit Arondekar 09:57 AM ticket
a typo in comment - there is no ActiveModel::Base for include_root_in_json was updated by Rohit Arondekar 09:51 AM ticket
config.i18n.fallbacks away from default locale seems to break unit testswas updated by Rohit ArondekarSunday Jan 02