Rohit Arondekar
protect_from_forgery :except override in individual controllers isn't working in rails 3pre was updated by Rohit Arondekar
Saturday May 15
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Unexpected behaviour of named_scope with :conditions and :include options was updated by Rohit Arondekar 10:42 AM ticket
rake db:drop, db:create don't work was updated by Rohit Arondekar 05:43 AM ticket
Strange behaviour in exception display was updated by Rohit Arondekar 05:19 AM ticket
validates_uniqueness , accepting white space was updated by Rohit Arondekar 04:41 AM ticket
Strange behaviour in exception display was updated by Rohit Arondekar 04:10 AM ticket
Rails escapes quotes at when they are at beginning and and of signle-line string was updated by Rohit Arondekar
Friday May 14
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"rails {app} -g" doesn't work was updated by Rohit Arondekar
Monday May 10
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config.threadsafe! appears to be broken. was updated by Rohit Arondekar 01:50 AM ticket
text_field should show and accept translated separator on BigDecimal fields was updated by Rohit Arondekar
Sunday Apr 11