Rohit Arondekar
ActionPack, 1.9.2-head 3 failing test... was created by Rohit Arondekar
Wednesday May 26
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router does not accept member for resource was updated by Rohit Arondekar
Sunday May 23
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warnings on ActiveSupport with ruby 1.9.2 was updated by Rohit Arondekar 11:48 AM ticket
warnings on ActiveSupport with ruby 1.9.2 was updated by Rohit Arondekar 11:30 AM ticket
Suggestion: Change to create Rails 3.0 apps by `rails init app-name` was updated by Rohit Arondekar 11:10 AM ticket
no such file to load -- bundler (LoadError) in Rails 3.0.0.beta was updated by Rohit Arondekar 06:49 AM ticket
Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute: tests, cleanups and a bugfix was updated by Rohit Arondekar
Saturday May 22
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Ruby 1.9.2-head's JSON support breaks to_json for arrays of records was updated by Rohit Arondekar 07:20 AM ticket
Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute: tests, cleanups and a bugfix was updated by Rohit Arondekar
Thursday May 20
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Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute: tests, cleanups and a bugfix was updated by Rohit Arondekar 04:15 PM ticket