Bob Lail
render_to_string :json (or :xml or :update) before render results in DoubleRenderError was updated by Bob Lail
Saturday Jan 22
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render_to_string :json (or :xml or :update) before render results in DoubleRenderError was updated by Bob Lail 06:52 PM ticket
ActiveRecord serialization throws SerializationTypeMismatch if I try to serialize a AR objectwas updated by Bob LailTuesday Jan 11
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ActiveRecord serialization throws SerializationTypeMismatch if I try to serialize a AR objectwas updated by Bob Lail 05:12 PM ticket -
render_to_string :json (or :xml or :update) before render results in DoubleRenderError was updated by Bob Lail
Thursday Dec 30
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validates_associated throws 'can't modify frozen object' error was updated by Bob Lail 04:11 PM ticket
Rails 3.0b3 and 3.0b4: :as option in ... was created by Bob Lail
Wednesday Jun 09
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rails.js on body.observe('submit',...) but submit doesn't bubble in IE was updated by Bob Lail
Friday Apr 30
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rails.js on body.observe('submit',...) but submit doesn't bubble in IE was updated by Bob Lail
Friday Apr 23
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rails.js on body.observe('submit',...) but submit doesn't bubble in IE was updated by Bob Lail
Saturday Apr 17