Migration differences are unnoticed i... was created by Nicholas Faiz
Monday Dec 13
ticket -
rake doc:rails doesn't know how to build taks actionmailer...READMEwas updated by Rohit ArondekarSunday Dec 12
ticket -
Accessing associations via x_ids no longer uses association conditions was updated by Yuval Kordov 10:59 PM ticket
has_many through self join does not include table alias, so fails was updated by Aaron Patterson 07:47 PM ticket
rake doc:rails doesn't know how to build taks actionmailer...README was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 05:56 PM ticket
rake db:create problem in rails3 with mysql2was updated by John 05:30 PM ticket -
attr_accesor_with_default alias reader method was updated by bhu 05:07 PM ticket
:through Associations don't respect default_scope was updated by Jon Leighton 05:06 PM ticket
attr_accesor_with_default alias reader method was updated by bhu 02:27 PM ticket
has_one :through produces invalid SQL was updated by Jon Leighton 01:56 PM ticket
Interpolated association conditions and Eager loading was updated by Bogdan Gusiev 01:47 PM ticket
Eager load of has_one :through with conditions on the :through table fails was updated by Jon Leighton 01:46 PM ticket
Interpolated association conditions a... was created by Bogdan Gusiev 01:41 PM ticket
Has many through association with :order causes a SQL error with PostgreSQL was updated by Jon Leighton 01:29 PM ticket
Has one association nullifies object to early was updated by Wojciech Wnętrzak 11:41 AM ticket
Strange has_many :through issue with adding objects to a collection was updated by Jon Leighton 11:38 AM ticket
has_many through belongs_to association bug was updated by Jon Leighton 11:26 AM ticket
Parts of template are rendered twice, induced by yield or cachewas updated by Piotr Sarnacki 10:23 AM ticket -
Parts of template are rendered twice, induced by yield or cache was updated by Jan 08:48 AM ticket
Parts of template are rendered twice, induced by yield or cache was updated by Jan 08:21 AM ticket
find_or_create via has_many fails for hash parameters was updated by Brandon Dimcheff 03:36 AM ticket
find_or_create via has_many fails for hash parameters was updated by Brandon Dimcheff 03:34 AM ticket
Problem with value_before_type_castwas updated by Rohit Arondekar 02:28 AM ticket -
AssociationTypeMismatch, different versions of a class loadedwas updated by Rohit Arondekar 02:26 AM ticket -
params in functional tests not sent to controller encodedwas updated by Rohit Arondekar 02:21 AM ticket -
[PATCH] Fix Erubis non-escaping sequence to mimic raw()was updated by Rohit Arondekar 02:20 AM ticket -
rake doc:rails doesn't know how to build taks actionmailer...README was updated by Rohit Arondekar 02:19 AM ticket
[BUG] [PATCH] Rails 3.0 should allow tests to run in 'cucumber' environmentwas updated by Rohit Arondekar 02:17 AM ticket -
Bad memory leak in Arel 1.0.1? was updated by Rohit Arondekar 02:13 AM ticket
Finder conditions and includes are (still) ignored on has_many throughwas updated by Rohit Arondekar 02:12 AM ticket -
Can't overwrite select for has_many through was updated by Michał Łomnicki 12:50 AM ticket
find_or_create via has_many fails for hash parameters was updated by Ryan Bigg
Saturday Dec 11
ticket -
Accessing associations via x_ids no l... was created by Yuval Kordov 11:51 PM ticket
has_many through self join does not include table alias, so fails was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:49 PM ticket
Needed: a config to set preferred htm... was created by shane becker 10:42 PM ticket
ActiveSupport::JSON.encode fails for Struct types was updated by bgallet 09:54 PM ticket
Setting the id of a belongs_to object does not update the reference to the objectwas updated by Jeff Dean 08:44 PM ticket -
Helper for HTML5 time tag was updated by Ches Martin 08:16 PM ticket
add form helpers for date and time HT... was created by Ches Martin 08:05 PM ticket
postgresql_adapter doesn't disable referential integrity for pg 9.0was updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:53 PM ticket -
This is not an executable file https:... was committed by Santiago Pastorino 06:42 PM changeset
Add support for namespaced validators... was committed by Samuel Kadolph 06:39 PM changeset
Has one association nullifies object ... was created by Wojciech Wnętrzak 02:47 PM ticket
Parts of template are rendered twice, induced by yield or cache was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 02:37 PM ticket
render :content_type does not work was created by Raphael Randschau 02:00 PM ticket
find_or_create via has_many fails for hash parameters was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 01:30 PM ticket
Parts of template are rendered twice,... was created by Jan 12:29 PM ticket
Reduce memory bloat in ActiveRecord transactions was updated by Jacek Becela 11:30 AM ticket
Reduce memory bloat in ActiveRecord transactions was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 10:53 AM ticket
Reduce memory bloat in ActiveRecord transactions was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 10:47 AM ticket
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