Properly check the arity for template... was committed by José Valim
Thursday Dec 09
changeset -
Check if the routes object really res... was committed by José Valim 12:18 PM changeset
Add :preload option to findwas updated by Will Bryant 10:54 AM ticket -
to_xml datetime format regressionwas updated by Repository 10:33 AM ticket -
Take into account current time zone w... was committed by Mike Dvorkin 10:33 AM changeset
Add :preload option to findwas updated by Rohit Arondekar 10:11 AM ticket -
path helper problem was updated by Alexey Poimtsev 09:57 AM ticket
Add :preload option to findwas updated by Will Bryant 09:52 AM ticket -
Id is inproperly escaped on postgresql statements when primary key is a stringwas updated by lewy313 09:30 AM ticket -
routing polymorphic/sti resources see... was created by coffeeaddict_nl 09:29 AM ticket
Exceptions from after_commit and after_rollback from observers are quietly swallowed was updated by Robert Pankowecki 09:22 AM ticket
ActiveRecord::Observer is not aware of method added by including modules was updated by lewy313 09:22 AM ticket
to_xml datetime format regressionwas updated by Repository 08:07 AM ticket -
Take into account current time zone w... was committed by Mike Dvorkin 08:07 AM changeset
to_xml datetime format regression was updated by Mike Dvorkin 04:43 AM ticket
to_xml datetime format regression was updated by Espen Antonsen 04:34 AM ticket
to_xml datetime format regression was updated by Mike Dvorkin 04:29 AM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Andrew Selder 04:25 AM ticket
ActiveRecord postgresql_adapter: Include time zone in result of quoted_date( ) was updated by Espen Antonsen 04:02 AM ticket
to_xml datetime format regression was updated by Espen Antonsen 03:32 AM ticket
DateTime in to_xml returns GMT from 3.0.2 was updated by Espen Antonsen 03:30 AM ticket
to_xml datetime format regression was updated by Espen Antonsen 03:18 AM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Andrew Selder 02:42 AM ticket
Rails.configuration.to_prepare code not getting executed was updated by Neeraj Singh 02:35 AM ticket
update_counters_with_lock does not call observers was updated by Neeraj Singh 02:30 AM ticket
Exceptions from after_commit and after_rollback from observers are quietly swallowed was updated by Neeraj Singh 02:19 AM ticket
use sort_by https://github.com/rails/... was committed by Aaron Patterson 01:34 AM changeset
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Andrew Selder 01:16 AM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Andrew Selder 01:15 AM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Andrew Selder 01:15 AM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Ed Ruder 01:09 AM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Ed Ruder 01:03 AM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by nate b 01:02 AM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Mark Towfiq 01:01 AM ticket
Exceptions from after_commit and after_rollback from observers are quietly swallowed was updated by Aaron Patterson 01:00 AM ticket
ActiveSupport::JSON.encode fails for Struct types was updated by John Firebaugh 12:58 AM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Ed Ruder 12:58 AM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Andrew Selder 12:55 AM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Andrew Selder 12:50 AM ticket
Serialize saves false boolean value as string "f" in sqlite3was updated by RepositoryWednesday Dec 08
ticket -
Ensure that boolean false is properly... was committed by Aditya Sanghi 11:56 PM changeset
Ensure that boolean false is properly... was committed by Aditya Sanghi 11:56 PM changeset
Serialize saves false boolean value as string "f" in sqlite3was updated by Repository 11:56 PM ticket -
to_xml datetime format regression was updated by Mike Dvorkin 11:49 PM ticket
updating CHANGELOG https://github.com... was committed by Aaron Patterson 11:40 PM changeset
removing method to prevent warnings h... was committed by Aaron Patterson 11:40 PM changeset
Setting the id of a belongs_to object does not update the reference to the objectwas updated by Repository 11:40 PM ticket -
Setting the id of a belongs_to object... was committed by Jeff Dean 11:40 PM changeset
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Andrew Selder 11:36 PM ticket
tables_in_string matches literal string containing dot was updated by Andrew Selder 11:15 PM ticket
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