adding more tests surrounding where_v... was committed by Aaron Patterson
Tuesday Nov 30
changeset -
testing combined nodes are not traver... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:57 PM changeset
removing arel 1.0 compatibility https... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:57 PM changeset
testing Relation#table_name https://g... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:57 PM changeset
adding a test for ActiveRecord::Relat... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:57 PM changeset
making relationship merge cheaper htt... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:57 PM changeset
fix whitespace errors https://github.... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:57 PM changeset
cleaning up where_values_hash https:/... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:57 PM changeset
has_many :through across namespace fails was updated by JackC 10:17 PM ticket
has_many :through across namespace fails was created by JackC 10:03 PM ticket
Rails-3.0.3 gives Completed 406 Not Acceptable was updated by James B. Byrne 09:57 PM ticket
render :text => proc { ... } regression was updated by John Firebaugh 09:41 PM ticket
Action Caching with caches_action and :layout => falsewas updated by Nico 08:58 PM ticket -
ActiveRecord Association Proxy/Collection create method incorrectly merges attributes was updated by C. Bedard 07:59 PM ticket
Unable to find by subclasses of String in activerecordwas updated by Ken Woodruff 07:17 PM ticket -
Unable to find by subclasses of String in activerecordwas updated by Aaron Patterson 07:13 PM ticket -
[PATCH] Uncountable singularize uses regex match while pluralize uses exact match leading leading to unexpected collisions was updated by John Paul Ashenfelter 07:11 PM ticket
Unable to find by subclasses of String in activerecord was updated by Fluxx 07:02 PM ticket
[PATCH] Uncountable singularize uses regex match while pluralize uses exact match leading leading to unexpected collisions was updated by John Paul Ashenfelter 06:56 PM ticket
Uncountable singularize uses regex match while pluralize uses exact match leading leading to unexpected collisions was updated by John Paul Ashenfelter 06:55 PM ticket
Unable to find by subclasses of String in activerecord was updated by Aaron Patterson 06:54 PM ticket
Uncountable singularize uses regex match while pluralize uses exact match leading leading to unexpected collisions was updated by John Paul Ashenfelter 06:53 PM ticket
Uncountable singularize uses regex ma... was created by John Paul Ashenfelter 06:37 PM ticket
Unable to find by subclasses of String in activerecord was updated by Abel Muiño 06:31 PM ticket
Arel::Visitors::Mysql fail with subclasses of String like ActiveSupport::SafeBufferwas updated by Neeraj Singh 06:27 PM ticket -
ParameterFilter: strings joined into a regexp should be regexp-quoted was updated by Neeraj Singh 06:25 PM ticket
Arel::Visitors::Mysql fail with subclasses of String like ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer was updated by Abel Muiño 06:19 PM ticket
Unable to find by subclasses of String in activerecord was updated by Fluxx 06:06 PM ticket
Arel::Visitors::Mysql fail with subcl... was created by Abel Muiño 05:57 PM ticket
Hash conditions fail with PostgreSQL ... was created by JackC 05:22 PM ticket
Update for sybase_adapter was updated by Matt 05:09 PM ticket
ParameterFilter: strings joined into ... was created by y_feldblum (at yahoo) 05:04 PM ticket
render does not take symbol as template argumentwas updated by James B. Byrne 04:06 PM ticket -
Fix generation of wrong json string w... was committed by Krekoten' Marjan 04:03 PM changeset
Inconsistent method_defined? behaviour was updated by Michał Łomnicki 12:30 PM ticket
Can't overwrite select for has_many t... was created by Michał Łomnicki 12:25 PM ticket
Possible Bug with Eager Loading (gith... was created by Ryan Detert 11:26 AM ticket
Fixtures with serialized attributes are not properly loaded was updated by kelyar 08:29 AM ticket
Unable to find by subclasses of String in activerecord was updated by Aaron Patterson 06:31 AM ticket
Preserve XML Attributes with Hash#from_xml and ActiveResource was updated by teiddy 05:54 AM ticket
Valid number pretending to be a invalid number in ActiveModel testswas updated by teiddy 05:54 AM ticket -
active_support/core_ext/array/random_access.rb conflicts with standard Ruby librarywas updated by teiddy 05:53 AM ticket -
ActiveSupport Date class methods seem to be buggy was updated by Xac 05:35 AM ticket
ActiveSupport Date class methods seem to be buggy was updated by agmcleod 04:13 AM ticket
Seeking feedback from jquery users was created by Neeraj Singh 03:13 AM ticket
moving method to subclass that actual... was committed by Aaron Patterson 12:49 AM changeset
removing interpolate_sql from join as... was committed by Aaron Patterson 12:49 AM changeset
testing attributes applied by default... was committed by Aaron Patterson 12:49 AM changeset
adding more tests surrounding where v... was committed by Aaron Patterson 12:49 AM changeset
Hash#to_params does not perform escaping resulting in invalid query param stringswas updated by Gaius Centus Novus 12:12 AM ticket
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