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#1221 ✓resolved
Brian Terlson

Association extensions and scopes on the associated model behave inconsistantly

Reported by Brian Terlson | October 15th, 2008 @ 09:27 PM | in 2.x

I'm noticing some undesirable behavior with named scopes and association extensions with Rails 2.1.1. Observe the following contrived example:

class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :entries do
    def print
      each { |e| puts e }

class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :blog

  named_scope :active, :conditions => {:status => 'active'}
  named_scope :inactive, :conditions => {:status => 'inactive'}

Now, moving to the console...

>> b = Blog.first
=> #<Blog id: 1, created_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:40", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:40">
>> b.entries
=> [#<Entry id: 1, blog_id: 1, status: "active", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:54", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:54">, #<Entry id: 2, blog_id: 1, status: "active", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:58", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:58">, #<Entry id: 3, blog_id: 1, status: "inactive", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01">]

3 entries are made, 2 active, 1 inactive.

>> reload!
>> b.entries.print
=> [#<Entry id: 1, blog_id: 1, status: "active", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:54", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:54">, #<Entry id: 2, blog_id: 1, status: "active", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:58", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:58">, #<Entry id: 3, blog_id: 1, status: "inactive", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01">]
>> b.entries.inactive.print
=> [#<Entry id: 1, blog_id: 1, status: "active", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:54", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:54">, #<Entry id: 2, blog_id: 1, status: "active", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:58", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:58">, #<Entry id: 3, blog_id: 1, status: "inactive", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01">]

After calling entries.print, subsequent scopes are ignored when calling the print method. Expected behavior can be achieved by calling the desired scope first, although all subsequent scopes will not be correct...

>> reload!
=> true
>> b = Blog.first
=> #<Blog id: 1, created_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:40", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:40">
>> b.entries.inactive
=> [#<Entry id: 3, blog_id: 1, status: "inactive", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01">]
>> b.entries.inactive.print
=> [#<Entry id: 3, blog_id: 1, status: "inactive", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01">]
>> b.entries.print
=> [#<Entry id: 3, blog_id: 1, status: "inactive", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01">]

It should be noted that scopes do behave correctly when not calling the print method.

>> b.entries.inactive.print
=> [#<Entry id: 1, blog_id: 1, status: "active", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:54", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:54">, #<Entry id: 2, blog_id: 1, status: "active", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:58", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:52:58">, #<Entry id: 3, blog_id: 1, status: "inactive", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01">]
>> b.entries.inactive
=> [#<Entry id: 3, blog_id: 1, status: "inactive", created_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01", updated_at: "2008-10-15 19:53:01">]

This behavior seems pretty buggy -- at the very least, inconsistent.

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • Brian Terlson

    Brian Terlson October 30th, 2008 @ 10:25 PM

    I cannot recreate this behavior in 2.2.0 RC, so I'd say this ticket can be closed.

  • Frederick Cheung

    Frederick Cheung December 13th, 2008 @ 04:22 PM

    • State changed from “new” to “resolved”
  • Mani Tadayon

    Mani Tadayon August 19th, 2010 @ 09:03 PM

    • Importance changed from “” to “”

    I am encountering this exact same bug on Rails 2.3.8!

    I created a blank new rails app using the example code above, with one tiny change to the Blog class to help with debugging:

    class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_many :entries do
        def print
          each { |e| puts e.status } # print the status

    Here is what happens in the console:

    >> Rails.version
    >> b = Blog.first
    #<Blog:0x2397edc> {
                :id => 1,
        :created_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:36:44 UTC +00:00,
        :updated_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:36:44 UTC +00:00
    >> b.entries
        [0] #<Entry:0x23767b4> {
                    :id => 1,
                :status => "active",
               :blog_id => 1,
            :created_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:02 UTC +00:00,
            :updated_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:02 UTC +00:00
        [1] #<Entry:0x2376750> {
                    :id => 2,
                :status => "active",
               :blog_id => 1,
            :created_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:04 UTC +00:00,
            :updated_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:04 UTC +00:00
        [2] #<Entry:0x2376700> {
                    :id => 3,
                :status => "inactive",
               :blog_id => 1,
            :created_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:06 UTC +00:00,
            :updated_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:06 UTC +00:00
    inactive  # this shouldn't be here!
    >> Blog.first.entries.inactive.print

    Notice that the problem only occurs when an instance is stored in a variable. Going through the model using Blog.first yields the expected results. I am not familiar with how ActiveRecord handles association extensions internally, but it appears like some kind of caching is to blame for this.

  • Mani Tadayon

    Mani Tadayon August 19th, 2010 @ 09:15 PM

    I created a github repo with a test app in case anyone wants to see if they can recreate this:

    Also, here is one more example that shows how c.entries is totally fouled up after calling c.entries.inactive.print:

    >> c = Blog.first
    #<Blog:0x237af58> {
                :id => 1,
        :created_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:36:44 UTC +00:00,
        :updated_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:36:44 UTC +00:00
    >> c.entries.inactive
        [0] #<Entry:0x2374a54> {
                    :id => 3,
                :status => "inactive",
               :blog_id => 1,
            :created_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:06 UTC +00:00,
            :updated_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:06 UTC +00:00
    >> c.entries.inactive.print
    >> c.entries.print
    >> c.entries
        [0] #<Entry:0x236ccdc> {
                    :id => 3,
                :status => "inactive",
               :blog_id => 1,
            :created_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:06 UTC +00:00,
            :updated_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:06 UTC +00:00
    >> Blog.first.entries
        [0] #<Entry:0x2363f10> {
                    :id => 1,
                :status => "active",
               :blog_id => 1,
            :created_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:02 UTC +00:00,
            :updated_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:02 UTC +00:00
        [1] #<Entry:0x2363ec0> {
                    :id => 2,
                :status => "active",
               :blog_id => 1,
            :created_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:04 UTC +00:00,
            :updated_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:04 UTC +00:00
        [2] #<Entry:0x2363e70> {
                    :id => 3,
                :status => "inactive",
               :blog_id => 1,
            :created_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:06 UTC +00:00,
            :updated_at => Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:06 UTC +00:00
  • Harm Aarts

    Harm Aarts September 10th, 2010 @ 12:53 PM

    • Assigned user set to “Frederick Cheung”

    How is this "resolved"? IMHO this is still broken. Using Rails 2.3.8 and Ruby 1.9.1

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