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TimeWithZone#xmlschema doesn't accept fraction_digits argument
Reported by ronin-43150 (at lighthouseapp) | January 10th, 2009 @ 02:32 PM | in 2.x
The TimeWithZone#xmlschema method currently doesn't accept a fraction_digits argument (which allows fractional seconds to be displayed) in the same way that Time#xmlschema does.
The attached patch fixes that.
>> require 'activesupport'
=> true
>> = 'UTC'
=> "UTC"
=> "2009-01-10T14:23:24.701246+00:00"
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
from (irb):4:in `xmlschema'
from (irb):4
Comments and changes to this ticket
Repository January 11th, 2009 @ 08:02 PM
- State changed from “new” to “resolved”
- Tag changed from “patch, time, timewithzone, tiny” to “activesupport, patch, time, timewithzone, tiny”
(from [5664f24973b1d4f8db7e78b73482eaebf36cf0ab]) TimeWithZone#xmlschema accepts optional fraction_digits argument [#1725 state:resolved]
Repository January 11th, 2009 @ 08:02 PM
(from [296ca4da1700eb27a7043112d22027444ea0e548]) TimeWithZone#xmlschema accepts optional fraction_digits argument [#1725 state:resolved]
Geoff Buesing January 11th, 2009 @ 08:04 PM
@Nicholas -- thanks, good catch! I pulled this into 2-2-stable as well.
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Referenced by
1725 TimeWithZone#xmlschema doesn't accept fraction_digits argument (from [5664f24973b1d4f8db7e78b73482eaebf36cf0ab]) TimeWit...
1725 TimeWithZone#xmlschema doesn't accept fraction_digits argument (from [296ca4da1700eb27a7043112d22027444ea0e548]) TimeWit...