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ActiveRecord problem with sanitizing array
Reported by bterkuile | June 19th, 2009 @ 02:32 PM | in 3.x
I try to create an ActiveRecord extension to be able to do
smarter date selections. These selections can have the form:
@@@ruby MyModel.all(:conditions=>{:date_month =>
MyModel.all(:conditions=>{:date_month => 3..7})
where date is a DateTime field. This causes problems. The array will be translated in the form:
["... IN (?)", [2,6,8]]
And for the range type it idealy should become:@@@ruby ["... BETWEEN ? AND ?", 3, 7]
This way is incompatible with the ar-extensions since in this case a Result Struct is generated that can only contain one value. This value should be passed with a * for the Range and just as one variable, to delever the sql arrays as described above. I did not see a clean way to improve that in that module without dirty tricks that may be specific for this one case.
A solution is to create a completed SQL statement without question marks, this would look like:
["... BETWEEN 3 AND 7"]
In the method sanitize_sql_array in the file:
activerecor-2.3.2/lib/active_record/base.rb (in this case
starting from line 2337) this will result in:@@@ruby statement, *values = ary #=> statement = "... BETWEEN 3 AND 7", values = []
This should not be a problem, but now the special case. Since sqlite does not have a month function I use the strftime function, which would look like:
CAST(STRFTIME("%m", "table"."date") AS INTEGER) BETWEEN 3 AND 7
This will fail in the else statement because of the % function.
A solution would be:
# Accepts an array of conditions. The array has each value
# sanitized and interpolated into the SQL statement.
# ["name='%s' and group_id='%s'", "foo'bar", 4] returns "name='foo''bar' and group_id='4'"
def sanitize_sql_array(ary)
statement, *values = ary
if values.first.is_a?(Hash) and statement =~ /:\w+/
replace_named_bind_variables(statement, values.first)
elsif statement.include?('?')
replace_bind_variables(statement, values)
elsif values.any?
statement % values.collect { |value| connection.quote_string(value.to_s) }
Comments and changes to this ticket
Rohit Arondekar October 9th, 2010 @ 04:03 AM
- State changed from new to stale
- Importance changed from to
Marking ticket as stale. If this is still an issue please leave a comment with suggested changes, creating a patch with tests, rebasing an existing patch or just confirming the issue on a latest release or master/branches.
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