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#3998 ✓wontfix
Greg Hazel

filter_parameter_logging does not stack

Reported by Greg Hazel | February 19th, 2010 @ 02:51 AM

Calling filter_parameter_logging a second time overwrites the previous filters. My expectation was that it would stack the filters, just like before_filter and friends.

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • Greg Hazel

    Greg Hazel February 19th, 2010 @ 02:52 AM

    • Tag changed from rails 2.3.5 actionpack actioncontroller to rails 2.3.5, actioncontroller, actionpack, action_controller
  • José Valim

    José Valim February 19th, 2010 @ 06:52 AM

    • State changed from “new” to “wontfix”

    Yes, it won't stack. This behavior already changed on Rails 3 and I see no reason to change it on Rails 2.3.x, which is a maintenance branch. So I'm marking as won't fix. Thanks!

  • Greg Hazel

    Greg Hazel February 19th, 2010 @ 07:00 PM

    The new interface in Rails 3 is even farther from what I would expect.

    The case I have is that some actions of some controllers should have their parameters of a certain name filtered, but not all actions of all controllers. For example I one action in one controller which takes a "number" parameter, which is a credit card number. Another action in a different controller uses "number" to specify the number of items the user would like. I want to filter one (the credit card) but not the other (the quantity).

    I could rename the parameters, but that breaks the form validation errors from the AR model, etc.

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