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#4871 ✓resolved
Rohit Arondekar

BigDecimal comparison failure in sqlite3_test on 1.9.2-head

Reported by Rohit Arondekar | June 16th, 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Active Record tests in Rails master on 1.9.2-head generated the following failure:

  1) Failure:
test_add_table_with_decimals(MigrationTest) [test/cases/migration_test.rb:1035]:
<#<BigDecimal:6b4a900,'0.2718281828 45905E1',27(27)>> expected but was
<#<BigDecimal:6b4a770,'0.2718281828 4590455E1',27(27)>>.

The assert that fails:

  assert_equal BigDecimal("2.71828182845905"), b.value_of_e

My guess is that the part of the code or the function in sqlite3-ruby that converts the float stored in the DB to a BigDecimal has higher precision in 1.9.2.

Ruby version: ruby 1.9.2dev (2010-06-06 revision 28184) [x86_64-linux]
sqlite3-ruby version: 1.3.0

Let me know if any more information is required.

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