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#1605 ✓stale
Jim Gay

[PATCH] Create schema during 'rake db:create' from schema_search_path if it does not exist for PostgreSQL

Reported by Jim Gay | December 20th, 2008 @ 05:47 AM | in 3.0.2

Setting a non-existent schema name for the schema_search_path will cause errors when trying to migrate:

PGError: ERROR:  schema "products" does not exist
: SET search_path TO products, public (UPDATED commit) adds methods to the postgresql_adapter:

  • create_schema(name, username) (creating the schema for the given user)
  • all_schemas (returning an array of schema names)
  • has_schema?(name) (returns boolean based on the existence of the given schema)

With this patch, the message "Schema products has been created." will be output when the schema is first created.

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