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has_one with :foreign_key & :primary_key bug
Reported by gbp | January 14th, 2009 @ 02:21 AM | in 2.3.6
Similar to #1633
has_one associations with :foreign_key and :primary_key options don't work as expected.
After saving the associations are being lost. The :foreign_key is being assigns to the id of the owner instead of using the provided :primary_key option.
Fix and unit test attached.
Comments and changes to this ticket
Brian Johnson February 2nd, 2009 @ 06:19 AM
I just ran into this same bug and this patch is incomplete. I will generate work on a test case and patch.
Brian Johnson February 2nd, 2009 @ 07:39 AM
ok, should be
@@@ def has_one(association_id, options = {})
if options[:through] reflection = create_has_one_through_reflection(association_id, options) association_accessor_methods(reflection, ActiveRecord::Associations::HasOneThroughAssociation) else reflection = create_has_one_reflection(association_id, options) ivar = "@#{}" method_name = "has_one_after_save_for_#{}".to_sym define_method(method_name) do association = instance_variable_get(ivar) if instance_variable_defined?(ivar) primary_key = reflection.options[:primary_key] || :id if !association.nil? && (new_record? || association.new_record? || association[reflection.primary_key_name] != send(primary_key)) association[reflection.primary_key_name] = send(primary_key) end end after_save method_name add_single_associated_validation_callbacks( if options[:validate] == true association_accessor_methods(reflection, ActiveRecord::Associations::HasOneAssociation) association_constructor_method(:build, reflection, ActiveRecord::Associations::HasOneAssociation) association_constructor_method(:create, reflection, ActiveRecord::Associations::HasOneAssociation) configure_dependency_for_has_one(reflection) end end
has_one_association.rb @@@ def new_record(replace_existing) # Make sure we load the target first, if we plan on replacing the existing # instance. Otherwise, if the target has not previously been loaded # elsewhere, the instance we create will get orphaned. load_target if replace_existing record = @reflection.klass.send(:with_scope, :create => construct_scope[:create]) do yield @reflection end if replace_existing replace(record, true) else puts "test" record[@reflection.primary_key_name] = @reflection.options.has_key?(:primary_key) ? @owner.send(@reflection.options[:primary_key]) : unless @owner.new_record? = record end record end
@@@ def set_belongs_to_association_for(record)
if @reflection.options[:as] record["#{@reflection.options[:as]}_id"] = unless @owner.new_record? record["#{@reflection.options[:as]}_type"] = else record[@reflection.primary_key_name] = @reflection.options.has_key?(:primary_key) ? @owner.send(@reflection.options[:primary_key]) : unless @owner.new_record? end end
Sorry I don't have a real patch, it's late and I'm tired.
Thomas Shelton February 17th, 2009 @ 11:38 PM
I'm a complete noob here so forgive me if I missed something. I believe there is still a bug with respect to this fix. Although the association works when referenced directly from an object, when the associations are loaded through an :include, they still reference the original primary key.
I changed association_preload.rb as described in the attached diff.
Is this something that can be added to the proposed fix or should I do something further?
Thanks, Thomas
Brian Johnson February 17th, 2009 @ 11:45 PM
If you can make a test case for it I will add it to my git repo. Not sure what the best way to get this back into the main repo though, maybe I should do a pull request?
Brian Johnson February 18th, 2009 @ 04:24 PM
just FYI - looks like this is already changed in edge, but the association isn't preloading for me. I'm working on a test case for it.
id_to_record_map, ids = construct_id_map(records, reflection.options[:primary_key])
Brian Johnson February 18th, 2009 @ 04:32 PM
apparently my issue was related to
Brian Johnson February 18th, 2009 @ 06:39 PM
Ok, everything is good on edge rails with include, but I added a test case to the git repo anyway.
gbp February 18th, 2009 @ 06:53 PM
For the record: original problem still exists. The tests in my patch still fail on edge rails.
Brian Johnson February 19th, 2009 @ 06:07 PM
That's really strange because id_to_record_map, ids = construct_id_map(records, reflection.options[:primary_key]) is functionally equivalent to your patch. You didn't include the failing test, can you provide it?
gbp February 25th, 2009 @ 12:24 AM
My problem resides in associations.rb (currently Line 906) - not association_preload.rb. On edge rails the test provided in my original patch do fail without the patch to associations.rb being applied.
Brian Johnson February 25th, 2009 @ 04:35 AM
Graeme, your tests pass on my fork. Thomas, I'd like to include your issue as well, but I need a failing test first.
Eloy Duran March 17th, 2009 @ 06:06 PM
- Assigned user set to Eloy Duran
Michael Koziarski June 9th, 2009 @ 09:35 AM
- Milestone changed from 2.x to 2.3.4
Can you take a look at this eloy?
Eloy Duran July 12th, 2009 @ 12:38 PM
- State changed from new to verified
I have verified and applied this patch on my branch of 2-3-stable, which Micheal will look at and merge in before 2.3.4.
Jeremy Kemper September 11th, 2009 @ 11:04 PM
- Milestone changed from 2.3.4 to 2.3.6
[milestone:id#50064 bulk edit command]
Repository September 13th, 2009 @ 02:33 AM
- State changed from verified to resolved
(from [a070873771ebede9097735f07fc40720dce89c46]) Fix has_one with foreign_key and primary_key association bug which caused the associated object being lost when saving the owner. [#1756 state:resolved]
Mixed in a bit from patch by ransom-briggs. [#2813 state:resolved]
Signed-off-by: Eloy Duran -
Repository September 13th, 2009 @ 02:33 AM
(from [c01be9de322ba846923340e41e69821d01541610]) Fix has_one with foreign_key and primary_key association bug which caused the associated object being lost when saving the owner. [#1756 state:resolved]
Mixed in a bit from patch by ransom-briggs. [#2813 state:resolved]
Signed-off-by: Eloy Duran -
tribalvibes September 17th, 2010 @ 09:12 AM
- Tag changed from activerecord, foreign_key, patch, primary_key to 2.3.10, 2.3.8, activerecord, foreign_key, has_many, patch, primary_key
- Importance changed from to High
Similar to #1633 which is still a bug in 2.3.8
has_many association.create doesn't set the new record fk correctly when the association pk is designated with :primary_key -
Andrea Campi October 16th, 2010 @ 11:35 PM
- Tag changed from 2.3.10, 2.3.8, activerecord, foreign_key, has_many, patch, primary_key to 2-3-stable, activerecord, foreign_key, has_many, patch, primary_key
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