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#4440 ✓invalid

Inappropriate route

Reported by Damien MATHIEU | April 19th, 2010 @ 06:09 PM | in 3.0.2


In my rails 3 application, I have the following routes.rb :

App::Application.routes.draw do |map|
    scope '/:lang' do
        scope '/:category_id' do
            root :to => 'categories#show', :as => :category
        root :to => 'categories#index'
    resources :categories, :except => [:index, :show]
    root :to => 'main#pick_locale'

The rake routes method generates the urls as I'd expect them to be :

/:lang/:category_id            {:controller=>"categories", :action=>"show"}
/:lang                         {:controller=>"categories", :action=>"index"}
categories POST   /categories(.:format)          {:controller=>"categories", :action=>"create"}
new_category GET    /categories/new(.:format)      {:controller=>"categories", :action=>"new"}
             PUT    /categories/:id(.:format)      {:controller=>"categories", :action=>"update"}
category DELETE /categories/:id(.:format)      {:controller=>"categories", :action=>"destroy"}
edit_category GET    /categories/:id/edit(.:format) {:controller=>"categories", :action=>"edit"}
root        /                              {:controller=>"main", :action=>"pick_locale"}

However when I use url_to(@category), it generates the following url :


Instead, of course, of :


When I go to this url generated, categories#show is being called. If I go to the expected url, the action is called too.

However if I remove the root :to => 'categories#show' call, none of the two urls are valid anymore.

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • Damien MATHIEU

    Damien MATHIEU April 20th, 2010 @ 08:40 AM

    I've written a test that should fail with that (see attached).
    However it seems in edge it works fine.
    The tests I made yesterday were on beta3 (I know I should have tested on edge). I'll test it deeper with edge.

  • Damien MATHIEU
  • Damien MATHIEU

    Damien MATHIEU April 20th, 2010 @ 09:03 AM

    FYI even though the test goes well, I still get the same in my application.

  • Jeremy Kemper

    Jeremy Kemper April 22nd, 2010 @ 02:28 AM

    • Milestone cleared.
    • State changed from “new” to “open”
    • Assigned user set to “josh”
  • Jeremy Kemper
  • José Valim

    José Valim April 22nd, 2010 @ 08:13 AM

    Can you please provide a failing test case on master then?

  • Damien MATHIEU

    Damien MATHIEU April 22nd, 2010 @ 08:44 AM

    • Assigned user cleared.

    As said before, I couldn't reproduce it in a test. And that's for a very simple reason. It's a mistake from my side on the application, not from rails.

  • José Valim

    José Valim April 22nd, 2010 @ 08:58 AM

    • Assigned user set to “José Valim”

    When you do "url_for(@category)", it's going to generate "category_url" based on the @category resource given. category_url will then generate "/categories/test" which becomes "/categories/test?lang=en" with the extra lang parameter.

    This can be verified if we look to the rake:route output you gave to us:

    category DELETE /categories/:id(.:format)      {:controller=>"categories", :action=>"destroy"}

    In other words, to have the behavior you expect, category_url should point to "/:lang/:category_id". You can try the following definition:

    scope '/:lang' do
      match ':category_id', :to => 'categories#show', :as => :category
      root :to => 'categories#index'

    Just then category_url is going to point to the route you expect. If not, we may have a routes bug.

  • Damien MATHIEU

    Damien MATHIEU April 22nd, 2010 @ 09:02 AM

    I didn't do a match for categories#show because I have other routes belonging to the category.
    In fact the problem was just because of routing priorities with the resources. Now that I define them before the lang scope, it works well.

  • José Valim

    José Valim April 22nd, 2010 @ 09:04 AM

    • State changed from “open” to “invalid”

    Sweet! Can you post your new routes just as reference for other ppl? Thanks!

  • Damien MATHIEU

    Damien MATHIEU April 22nd, 2010 @ 09:22 AM

    Yeah of course.
    I've decided to move the admin pages to a scope too. So in the end, I get the following :

    scope '/me' do
        resources :pages, :except => [:index, :show]
        resources :categories, :except => [:index, :show]
    scope '/:lang' do
        scope '/:category_id' do
            match ':id' => 'pages#show', :as => :public_page
            root :to => 'categories#show', :as => :public_category
        root :to => 'pages#index', :as => :locale
    root :to => 'main#pick_locale'
  • Jeremy Kemper

    Jeremy Kemper October 15th, 2010 @ 11:01 PM

    • Milestone set to 3.0.2
    • Importance changed from “” to “Low”

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