assert_response assumes a rendered template
was updated by Pratik
Wednesday May 14
ticket - Level hooks for validations was updated by Pratik 12:17 PM ticket
- caches_action with conditional was updated by Pratik 12:15 PM ticket
- assert_response assumes a rendered template was updated by Pratik 11:44 AM ticket
ActionView register_template_handler missing in 2.1 RC 1was updated by Pratik 11:43 AM ticket -
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch with same class name -- added helpful exception messagewas updated by Pratik 08:55 AM ticket -
caches_action with conditional
was updated by Pratik
Tuesday May 13
ticket -
[PATCH] environment.rb template 'rake gem:install' should be 'rake gems:install'was updated by Pratik 09:07 PM ticket -
rails/init.rb doesn't get called for unpacked gemswas updated by Pratik 06:40 PM ticket -
fix remote_function url escapingwas updated by Pratik 06:35 PM ticket