Christopher Meiklejohn
Optimistic Locking and Double Quoting of Strings was updated by Christopher Meiklejohn
Wednesday Mar 16
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Optimistic Locking and Double Quoting... was created by Christopher Meiklejohn
Tuesday Mar 15
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strip_tags marks as html_safe incorrectly was updated by Christopher Meiklejohn
Thursday Mar 03
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strip_tags marks as html_safe incorrectly was updated by Christopher Meiklejohn 05:19 AM ticket
`rake test(:functionals|:units|....)` loads the environment twice was updated by Christopher Meiklejohn 05:18 AM ticket
table_name not find in activerecord 3.0.5 sqlite3 was updated by Christopher Meiklejohn 05:03 AM ticket
table_name not find in activerecord 3.0.5 sqlite3 was updated by Christopher Meiklejohn 05:01 AM ticket
`rake test(:functionals|:units|....)` loads the environment twice was updated by Christopher Meiklejohn 04:37 AM ticket
request.remote_ip/X-Forwarded-For may not be an IP was updated by Christopher Meiklejohn 04:23 AM ticket
Warnings when running tests was updated by Christopher Meiklejohn 04:03 AM ticket